Click on the images to view them full size!
Step 11 - Add Projects and Start Server
In the Server Perspective, right click TestServer and select 'Add and Remove Projects'. From the Available Projects list, select and shuttle EmployeeEAR to the Configured Projects list and click Finish.
If everything goes fine, you will see messages of this kind in the Server console.
Step 12 - Test your EJB with the WSAD TestClient
WSAD is integrated with an Universal Test Client. we may opt use this facility to test the EJB, we just created. To do this, right click TestServer in the Server Configuration Pane, and select Run Universal Test Client in th pop-up menu.
This will open up the Test Client browser screen.
Click on JNDI explorer->ejb->employee->ejb. This will list the Beans under the employee.ejb package under the JNDI namespace ejb.
Click on EmployeeSessionHome to work with the EmployeeSession bean. You will see only one method - create - under the visible methods.
Click on this method, and click on the 'Invoke' button. This will create an instance of the EmployeeSessionBean. Now, Click on the 'Work With Object' to further work with the EmployeeSessionBean.
Now, you will see all the available methods listed under Method Visibility.
Click on String getFirstName(int) and enter a valid employeeid in the parameter input text box and click on the Invoke button. If everything goes well, you will see the result as below.
If you encounter an error, look for the stacktrace in the Server Console try to identify any possible causes from the error log.
Go to : Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6
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